David Newton
David Newton 
Education Coordinator
TIME: 1 hour, 45 minutes, 45 seconds

“I wanted to support the Royal Hospital and take on a new challenge”

Why did you decide to do the half marathon?

I wanted to support the Royal Hospital and take on a new challenge.

Have you done anything similar before?

No – but I’ve done sports all my life. 

How have you been preparing?

I’ve been jogging and in the gym. I run near the Royal Hospital.  I tend to go down the Thames to Fulham, Putney, Chiswick area.  I’ve been trying to watch what I eat too and not eat everything! Pensioner Tony Hunt – the Royal Hospital’s marathon expert – has also given me some advice.

What are your hopes and goals?

I’m hoping to do under two hours – that’s the challenge I’ve set myself. I’ve set a fundraising target of £100. My family back home have supported me.

What are you looking forward to least – and most?

I’m looking forward to crossing the line and to the free beer! No traffic will be nice. It will be good to see the Chelsea Pensioners too – a few of them have said they’ll come and cheer us on. I’m most apprehensive about the last three kilometres. I can do 18 pretty comfortably but after that is the tricky bit – everything turns to treacle. If it rains that will be a downer too.

There's still time to donate to David's efforts - visit his Sponsorship Page.

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