Jo Cochran small
Jo Cochran
Head of Events
TIME: 2 hours, 21 minutes, 39 seconds

“I love being so active, so I’m already achieving what I set out to do”

Why did you decide to do the half marathon? 

Although I love running, I’d decided I didn’t need to do any more half marathons as they hurt my knees! But when my colleague Alex asked for volunteers to run for the Royal Hospital I was really tempted. I needed a reason to stay focused and motivated. I also thought it would be a great chance to take a different approach to previous runs. So I’ve tried to incorporate Pilates, spin classes and swimming into my training to give myself a better chance of coming out without injury. I’ve been loving being so active and trying new classes, so I’m already achieving what I set out to do.

Have you done anything similar before? 

I’ve done five halves before, one of them – the Windsor half – was also with the Royal Hospital team. However, since having a baby two years ago I’ve only done three to four mile runs, so this is like starting from scratch.

How have you been preparing? 

I’m doing a mix of core classes to strengthen all the supporting muscles that running requires. I’m also trying vegetarianism for at least 50% of the time after watching a documentary about plant-based diets being great for performance and lifestyle. The vegan part is proving difficult, but I’m trying to think more like a vegan now and again.

“I’d like to raise at least £150 for the Pensioners’ Activities Centre”

What are your hopes and goals?

My goal is to complete the run injury-free and to raise at least as much as my target of £150 for the Pensioners’ Activity Centre – I see these creative hobbies as vital to mental wellbeing for the older generation.

What are you looking forward to least – and most?

I’m apprehensive about the aches and pains! Six weeks has been a short space of time to train and there’s only so much you can do on top of a full-time job and being mum to a two-year-old.

I’m looking forward to the team aspect – which has been the most enjoyable part so far. It’s a great little group and everyone seems really excited and enthusiastic. It’s nice to be part of something and to be challenged together – not to mention being trained by super professional Chelsea Pensioner marathon runner, Tony Hunt.

There's still time to donate to Jo's efforts - visit her Sponsorship Page.

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