​Lukaz Onyszkow
Lukasz Onyszkow 

Sous Chef
TIME: 1 hour, 47 minutes, 54 seconds

“I’m looking forward to being part of such an amazing event”

How did you feel after the race?

“The day was amazing and the sun came out for us. I was very tired on Monday but I made it to work and carried on with my job. The day was even better than expected – there was an amazing atmosphere and I was surprised at just how many people were there both taking part and supporting the runners. The best thing was seeing the Chelsea Pensioners there supporting us.”

Why did you decide to do the half marathon?

I wanted to challenge myself as I enjoy running outside of working hours.

Have you done anything similar before?

Yes, I have ran 10k in the past and I really enjoyed it.

How have you been preparing?

I have been undergoing a strict diet and running in the evenings after work.

What are your hopes and goals?

I hope to finish the distance in less than two hours and – I have already achieved my fundraising target.

What are you looking forward to least – and most?

I am looking forward to being part of such an amazing event and being part of a team, running with people I know. What worries me is the after effect on my body after the run, as I’ve done it before.

There's still time to donate to Lukaz's efforts - visit his Sponsorship Page.

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