Chelsea Pensioners look forward to greater freedom

12th April 2021

Like the rest of the country, the Chelsea Pensioners are looking forward to the easing of lockdown restrictions starting this week. Almost all the Pensioners have now had their second vaccinations and infection rates and serious cases of Covid-19 are on the decline in the area. 

As we enjoy the longer, lighter days at the Royal Hospital, it’s uplifting to see Pensioners enjoying a trip to the shop or a chat with a friend. Chelsea Pensioner, Mike Atkinson, has even been preparing for a charity bike ride in July.

New plans and projects are in the pipeline too. We're delighted to announce our Shop and Post Office reopens to the public today.

We’re treading cautiously and abiding by all the guidelines, but seeing the Royal Hospital’s community starting to enjoy a taste of its old freedoms is giving us all a boost. 

Reasons for the Chelsea Pensioners to be cheerful this Spring 

  • Pensioners can travel further afield for their shopping needs.
  • Chelsea Pensioners can now enjoy outdoor table service at their club again.
  • Residents in the MTI can now have 2 regular indoor visitors.
  • Outdoor visits from friends and family in limited numbers can resume. 
  • The gym is open to Pensioners keen to resume their old workouts.
  • Pensioners can relieve aching joints and muscles in the hydrotherapy pool once again

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